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Ready to tackle big challenges?
We’re seeking balanced doers with the right combination of vision and process skills paired with a knack for building relationships and the capacity and courage to solve complex problems.
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Outside Angle
What It's Like to Work Here
We are a fully remote team committed to combining creativity and out-of-the-box thinking with precision and rigor. We believe in limiting rules and bureaucracy while delivering best in class work with timeliness and excellence.
Culture Designed for the Modern Workplace
We are building the workplace of the future with our clients and believe we must enact that in our own work culture, first and always—from the way we dress to the tools we use.
Flexibility, So You Can Be You
When you grow and thrive in all aspects of your life, our clients benefit. We are parents, students, learners, and travelers who encourage each other to grow as complete humans.
Grow With Us
Curiosity is core to our team culture. We work hard. We have fun. We read, learn, and reflect together. We share our learning with the world and constantly work to learn from one another in a way that levels up our collective impact over time.
Career Progression
Even though we’re small, there are already career pathways emerging that offer opportunities to apply your skills in different ways, and take on more responsibility and leadership over time.
Help Build a Winning Team
Outside Angle is new enough to be nimble and dynamic but mature enough to be stable and supportive. It's a great time to consider joining as we help our clients and each other reach new heights.
Our environment is designed to sustain you at work and support you in life.
Our Values
Possibility over pessimism.
It is better to see beginnings than barriers.
Love over everything.
It is better to lead with love and let it prevail over fear, hate, and other negative forces present within and between us.
Relationships over rules.
It is better to build trust than bureaucracy.
Humility over expertise.
It is better to grow than to know.
Action over analysis.
It is better to get things done than to talk about getting things done.
Meet Our Team
Change leadership is about people. Our team of experienced facilitators, project managers, change strategists, and culture experts are here to help when the stakes are highest, and the window of opportunity is open.
Sarah Silverman
Sam Franklin
Tara Tucci-Exilus
Managing Director
Katie Kozel
Managing Director
Meredith Bortz
Managing Director
Rebecca Kozel
Senior Associate
Michael Spencer
Gamal Walker
Executive Advisor
Acasia Wilson Feinberg
Executive Advisor
DDS Dobson-Smith
Team Performance Coach
Rumbi Mufuka, PhD
Team Performance Coach
Jacob Weinfeld
Team Performance Coach