Leadership Insights

Author: Sarah Silverman
Americans’ attitudes toward war are especially raw right now. When I turned 40 last week, I considered that America has been at war, the
Big ideas are inherently exciting. They offer a new way of thinking of an old problem, a more elegant solution to a persistent challenge,
Everyone seems to know that the reason some ideas fail while others succeed is “implementation”—but what, specifically, makes the difference between an innovation achieving
In Judaism, this time of year is an intentional end of a cycle. In this period, we reflect on the year that has passed
Nature often gives us cues that our modern life makes easy to miss. Taking a pause in the natural world for just a moment
Bortz joins the change leadership firm to lead executive teams through complex change PITTSBURGH, July 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Outside Angle, a change leadership

I know first hand that a caustic national dialogue that positions some identities as less than can seep into private consciousness and

We started Outside Angle with the fundamental belief that all organizations have to undertake change, and that building the capacity to effectively navigate change

Big Ideas are ones that, by nature, are complex and whose path forward is not obvious. That doesn’t mean they can’t happen.

To be clear, building and repairing take time, and often an excruciating amount of time. It’s nevertheless possible to repair broken trust