Stay Close to the Action: This and Other Lessons from Felix Brandon Lloyd

As much as we enjoy coaching and supporting change leaders, we equally love learning from them. We’re excited to introduce you to several inspiring change leaders in our community and share some of the lessons we’ve learned from them.

A Series Spotlighting Change Leaders and the Lessons They’ve Taught Us

Felix Brandon Lloyd, Co-founder and CEO, Zoobean

In 2013, Felix co-founded Zoobean, an awesome company promoting independent reading in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities through Beanstack. Beanstack is a platform and mobile app being used by thousands of libraries, schools, and companies to help people read more, and read together through collaborative reading challenges. Users easily track their reading in a fun, easy way that helps them realize the benefits of independent reading, from lowering stress to improving academic achievement.

Felix is one of the most well-rounded and effective CEOs we know. The vision he pitched on Shark Tank in 2014 with wife and co-founder Jordan Bookey has evolved considerably, and Felix never stops moving the company forward.

While there’s a lot we appreciate about Felix, one thing that distinguishes his leadership is his attention to detail. Felix keeps himself close to the action, making sure he is engaging at the most dynamic places in the company. We know from having worked with a lot of leaders that once someone has led the team up one change leadership mountain, it\’s tempting to stay at base camp during the next big climb. But Felix doesn’t delegate the hard stuff. Instead, he always stays at the front of the pack. He has unbelievable stamina, and he always makes sure to stay current with the most relevant, new information to help the team move the company forward.

Felix’s willingness to stay in the messiest, most strategic spaces helps the entire company stay open to innovation and exploration. The team sees Felix leading by example, and knows that he is going to be shoulder to shoulder with them when it counts.

Learn more about Zoobean and the Beanstack platform at